13 results for ‘ontology management’.

  • Semantic Web and LOD

    Emerging Technology The concept of semantic web goes back to Tim Berners-Lee /tbl/ and is being standardized and developed by /w3c/. Semantic web is an emerging technology that allows the linking of data from various sources through the use of URIs. A similar principle is used by today’s websites, where links to other websites are found. The data …

  • Semantic Web

    Trouver ce qu’il faut par voie sémantique. ONTOLOGIE / GESTION DE THESAURUS S’y retrouver immédiatement dans de grands espaces de données et de recherche! Utilisez les avantages de thésaurus basés sur des systèmes SKOS (Simple KnOwledge Systems) existants et spécifiques au domaine en commun avec la technologie de fouille de texte pour trouver …

  • Semantic Web

    Semantically finding the right thing. ONTOLOGY / THESAURUS MANAGEMENT Find your way through large data and search spaces! Make use of the advantages of domain specific SKOS (Simple Knowledge Organisation System) based Thesauri together with text-mining technologies and find previously unknown valuable results. Semweb efficiently accompanies you during …