semweb – Semantic Web and Expert Systems – Reason why

Reason why

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We focus on the latest methods and modes of thought during implementation. We measure ourselves against results, deadlines and budgets.

Semweb is scientifically oriented and familiar with the latest technology, using the latest methods in analysis, planning and implementation. Our rich experience has however made us aware of the dilemmas, problems and concerns, which can act as barriers, hindering the development of IT projects or causing them to fail.

Caesura, Benchmarking, Impartiality, Fairness
The external evaluation of an IT project allows an unobstructed view of the required overall context, reveals alternative ways and new approaches to finding solutions.

We consistently focus on the iterative quality assurance of development projects and the timely, manageable interaction between all project participants and project instances.

For us, the term „problem“ has positive connotations. We identify problems, break them down, label them and discuss them constructively – impartially and relentlessly – with you by our side. Then we organize, suggest management and development models – conventional or evolutionary – design and build structures, and develop the solution agreed upon while monitoring money, time and results. For successful cooperation, we consider it essential that our clients are willing to analyze the project in an open, efficient, critical and constructive discourse. In this way, successful troubleshooting as well as „mission impossible“ is achievable.

We lead projects and teams with our extensive experience. Our communication is clear and integrative, decisions pragmatic, yet participatory and transparent.