12 results for ‘Projects’.
A comparison of six RDF stores
… projects”, Virtuoso has probably the most detailed way to structure knowledge in its “quad-store-upload” into several knowledge graphs. SPARQLverse allows to import RDF data per program into several graphs. Security issues Once you have imported your data into the RDF store – or maybe also before that – you start asking yourself, …
SKOS PDF Tagging
PDF2Tag analyzes the text of your PDF and it tags it against a choosen SKOS Thesaurus, whose data are precisely gathererd from the SPARQL-ENDPOINT hosting it. After its text is extracted, analyzed and tagged you will be able to download a text analysis, a match list and the tagged PDF. All computed results are cached for later re-use. PDF2Tag tags on …
SKOS PDF Tagging
PDF2Tag analise vos PDF en marquant concepts trouvés dans un thésaurus en format SKOS, lequelles données sont extrait a partir d’un SPARQL-ENDPOINT. De que son texte serà extrait, analisé et marqué vous pourrez télécharger un’analyse de texte, une liste match et le correspondent PDF marqué. Toutes les Données produites séront …