semweb – Semantic Web and Expert Systems – Partnerschaften


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Semweb is since August 2015 Partner of Metreeca.
Metreeca delivers agile solutions and tools to manage knowledge and performance in complex and dynamic contexts. Metreeca leverages Semantic Web and Linked Data technologies to generate insight and value in rapidly changing environments with minimum impact on existing
processes and systems. See an integration example.
Ontotext provides a complete semantic platform transforming how organizations identify meaning across massive amounts of unstructured data. Ontotext blends text mining, powerful SPARQL queries, semantic annotation and semantic search with an RDF graph database (GraphDB™) that infers new meaning at scale.
Semweb is member of the Europeana Network which is a community of experts working in the field of digital heritage and united by a common mission to expand and improve access to Europe’s cultural digital heritage.
Europeana Network
Semweb is silver member of Swiss Alliance for Data-Intensive Services, a network below the InnoSuisse umbrella which makes a significant contribution in making Switzerland an internationally recognized lighthouse for data-driven added value.
SDS Network