In the context of computing, a legacy system refers to established company applications that are partly supported by mainframes or are run on older operating systems. Often, legacy systems constitute the heart of a company and can only be replaced after careful consideration or after the withdrawal of support from the provider.
With the creation and release of increasing volumes of data (e.g. from suppliers), a legacy system could reach its limits of complexity, be inadequate for data processing and become a bottleneck for the company. The company can however regain stability in data management through the selection of an appropriate replacement system and careful planning of data migration.
In all those cases when the legacy system cannot be replaced due to time or technical considerations, appropriate interfaces with the younger systems might as well re-establish operating.
Through our widespread industry experience, we support you in the integration of your legacy systems with existing or new periphery systems. We analyze the relevant use cases and needs, as well as specify and implement the necessary interfaces according to the suitable or (your) preferred method of software engineering.