Some notes on the citations of Ludwig Wittgenstein:
Ludwig Wittgenstein’s “Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus” was written between 1912 and 1917 and published in 1921 in Cambridge, where Wittgenstein taught. His book made him one of the progenitors of the linguistic turn in philosophy. The heart of Wittgenstein’s earlier philosophy is the picture theory of language. Wittgenstein tried to show that language and reality had a similar structure. Reality fragmented into “things” (things that interact with each other). Each “thing” has a “name” in language. Meaning is given to a name only once it is placed in a statement. Like the reality of things, sentences fragment in their names. By analyzing statements down to their simplest components, we can in principle arrive at simple statements about things. A statement pictures (or models) a possible situation – a state of affairs about things. Such a statement is true if the corresponding state of affairs exists. If the state of affairs constitutes another structure to that which is portrayed through the names in the statement, the statement in false. (taken from Wikipedia)
It is impressive that one hundred years ago a philosopher cast into language, what we computer scientists today broadly refer to as the “semantic web” or the “Internet of Things”.
Notes on the presented pictures:
The presented pictures are chosen black and white copies of works of the painter Renato Ricci
(Ancona, I, 1922 – 1995); they belong to a private collection. The works of Renato Ricci came into existence in the period between 1970 and 1990. They “find their location in modern and contemporary art through their use of a modular conceptualisation. Realised with felt-tip pens, they develop a continuum, i.e. a methodic and iterative harmonization through a process of schematic rhythmics of signs and colors – originating an extended shape with a closed play of mutual lighting effects, which transform into a legitimated and competent organic system. (translated from a recommendation section of the art catalog “Bolaffi” 16–1981.)
About this page:
The current page exposes each of the following bibliographical records semantically allowing a direct import into a bibliographical/citation repository system like zotero or RefWorks.
Internal publications / talks |
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Motivating SKOS in Knowledge Graphs and introducing SKOS Shuttle, a web available SKOS service –
SDS 2018 – [Fabio Ricci] |
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SKOS Shuttle
zur Taxonomy Governance
UIS 2017 – [Fabio Ricci, Prof. Dr. Dietmar Wikarski] |
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Art and Design as Linked Data (February 26th, 2016 in Graz, A) [Nicolas Prongué, Fabio Ricci, Renè Schneider, René Schurte] |
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Linking Search Results, Bibliographical Ontologies and Linked Open Data Resources (en) [F. Ricci, Javier Belmonte, Eliane Blumer, René Schneider] – MTSR, Thessaloniki (G) November 2013 |
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Trialogo De Ontologia (de) [M. Grilli, F. Ricci, R. Schneider] – GMS MBI, Wien (A) |
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An E-Science Tool for Managing Information in the Web of Documents and the Web of Knowledge (en) [J. Belmonte, E. Blumer, F. Ricci, R. Schneider] – IMCW 2012, Ankara, (T) |
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Verwendung von SKOS-Daten zur semantischen Suchfragen- Erweiterung im Kontext des individualisierbaren Informationsportals RODIN (de) [P 11-20 R. Schneider, F. Ricci] – DGI 2010, Frankfurt am Main |
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Team Learning 2.0: Knowledge sharing implementation among undergraduate Swiss students (en) [P 1223 H. Madinier, F. Ricci] – ECKM 2010, Famalicão (P) |
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A medium-weight portal for the aggregation and mashing of heterogeneous data sources (en) [F. Ricci, R. Schneider] – WEBIST 2010, Valencia (E) |
Handouts of semweb |
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semweb – technical handout |
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semweb – image handout |
Linked Open Data |
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Pilotportal |
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Linked Data - The Story So Far (en) |
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LOD2 (en) |
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Europeana and Linked Open Data (en) |
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European Union Open Data Portal (en) |
Clouds und Big Data |
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The Emerging Big Return on Big Data (en) – Bombay (Indien) |
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Cloud Computing Strategie der Schweizer Behörden (de) 2012-2020 – Bern (CH) |
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Big Data sind auch eine Frage der Unternehmensstruktur – (de) Netzwoche |
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Big data is a big deal – (en) USA |
Semantic web – basics |
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Semantic Web – Basics (de) – Uni ZH |
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Web 3.0 – The Semantic Web – (de) Univ. Augsburg (D) |
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Semantic Web und semantische Technologien:
Zentrale Begriffe und Unterscheidungen |
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Semantic Web School (de), Wien (A) |
Semantic web – application examples |
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Application examples (de) |
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Application examples – Cambridge Semantics, Boston (USA) |
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10 Semantic APPS to watch |
Important sources |
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Semantic Web journal (en) – IOS Press |
Innovations |
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Fragile Prozesse: Erfindergeist verschwindet rasch – NZZ ZH (CH) |
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Industrie 4.0 – Forschungsunion Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft (de)
Berlin (D) |
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Internet of Everything (IoE) Value Index – (en) Survey Report Cisco Systems |
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Neuartige Ideen dank Kunden und Lieferanten (de) – NZZ ZH (CH) |
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Der Erfindergeist kommt von innen und von aussen (de) – NZZ ZH (CH) |
Critical & and courious things |
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Ludwig Wittgenstein: Tractatus-logico-philosophicus – (en) |
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Ludwig Wittgenstein: Tractatus-logico-philosophicus – by Brian Vescio (en+de) |
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Google als Gott – NZZ ZH (CH) |
Bibliography for the website |
/ase/ |
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/bdsw/ |
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Big Data and the Semantic Web (en) – Open Systems Laboratories, Bangalore |
/bigdata-db/ |
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Big Data – (en) w3C |
/bigdata-hd/ |
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Big Data Hadoop – (en) |
/bigs1/ |
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/bigs2/ |
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Human Genome Project |
/bsda/ |
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Big Data Computing - USA |
/etl/ |
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/gtb/ |
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/eurovoc/ |
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/jurivoc/ |
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/stw/ |
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/gettyaat/ |
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/inf/ |
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/ireb/ |
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/gno/ |
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/iso15489/ |
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/jira/ |
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/knr/ |
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Trends in Enterprise Knowledge Management |
/lod1/ |
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LOD Cloud Diagramm |
/lod2/ |
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/man/ |
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Mantis Bug Tracker |
/nosql/ |
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NoSQL Databases (en) |
/quads/ |
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/rdf/ |
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/rem/ |
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Records Management |
/req/ |
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Requirements management |
/rfid/ |
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Radio-frequency Identification – RFID |
/scrum/ |
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/seng/ |
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/skos/ |
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SKOS model (picture) |
/skosdbp/ |
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/swx/ |
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Database management & information+retrieval |
/tbl/ |
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/vmodell/ |
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/w3c/ |
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World Wide Web Consortium |
/wea/ |
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/xtreme/ |
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/SAFe/ |
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