10 résultats pour ‘interface’.

  • Partenariats

    Semweb is since August 2015 Partner of Metreeca. Metreeca delivers agile solutions and tools to manage knowledge and performance in complex and dynamic contexts. Metreeca leverages Semantic Web and Linked Data technologies to generate insight and value in rapidly changing environments with minimum impact on existing processes and systems. See an integration …


  • RDF and Blockchains

    interfaced a private ethereumj instance network with its major system – SKOS Shuttle – where sub graphs are stored / retrieved to / from the blockchain. Read more details on this on SKOS Shuttle Blockchain Tutorial. Securing Thesauri in blockchain prevents from uncontrolled changes to them, guaranteeing secureness of content.


  • Three Faces of RDF Usage

    interface /SAIL/ and organize their data sequentially with an own index on a BTree. Use case 3 – Needs navigational speed and parallelism. That is why you need for Use Case 3 a real Graph Engine like Neo4J™ or MapGraph™ (/NEO4J/, /MAPGRAPH/) or any Graph Store implementing the blueprints SAIL /BLUESAIL/ which treats a knowledge graph …
